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tv   Headline News  RT  November 17, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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breaking news on our t.v. a boeing seven thirty seven passenger plane has crashed in the russian city of during an attempted landing all fifty people on board including two children have died it is not known what caused the tragic accident investigators are looking at a range of reasons including pirate pilot error weather conditions and technical issues. broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is our let's get right to our top stories now monday has been declared a day of mourning in russia as the republic after a boeing seven thirty seven jet crashed because an airport killing all fifty people
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on board it had departed from moscow and was attempting to land when the tragedy happened these are the latest pictures from because an airport where the jet crashed and caught on fire apparently during its second landing attempt there were two children among the forty four passengers and six crew members also perished as well so far ten of the victims have been identified archies. can tell us more lucy thank you very much for being with us now to take us through what we know about the accident so far certainly a fatal journey for all fifty people on board flight three six three that flight of course operated by tartar ston airlines what we know so far and the airplane had taken off side about six twenty pm local time from domodedovo airport right here in moscow just over an hour later it crash landed at its destination at the cazan international airport in center. russia as you had mentioned all fifty people
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onboard dead forty four passengers and six crew members what exactly took place is still a bit unclear we know that the crew was reportedly trying to avert a landing aboard it's landing pardon me to make a second approach the pilot had alerted the control tower to the problem but the plane had exploded when it struck the tarmac unclear whether the explosion took place as a result of the impact or whether there was something that happened beforehand we simply don't know the cause at this point it could be a technical malfunction weather could be a factor could of course be the pilot mistake by the pilot all these factors are being considered by the investigators at the moment airlines did issue a statement saying that all of its pilots were experienced a this isn't their first time flying by any means but it still doesn't rule out human error there was also reports of high wind gusts at the time but again unclear whether that was related to what actually happened what is clear however is the
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lack of survivors and we do know that the search and rescue operation operation had concluded flights out of that airport had been halted until mid day on monday now this specific flight had actually made an earlier journey from cousin to moscow we had a chance to speak with one of the passengers on that airplane the very same one that tragically crashed later that day. these pilots but inside i do not mind if loaded so smoothly but just before the landing the plane started vibrating few sleep. it was the wind between who had time to turn down with the spring clean was shaking from side to side linda to first attempt but it was really bad landing and they felt like the plane was going to roll over the runway. now that was one person's experiences aboard that particular plane on the penultimate flight now what else do we know about that specific aircraft well that specific airplane had been in
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service for twenty three years now the boeing seven three seven five hundred has gone through a number of different owners not of course an issue if the airplane the aircraft itself is a well maintained we still don't know what the specifics are for the record of this one the seven three seven i should say is the best selling airliner in the history of aviation at any given time there's something like one thousand two hundred of them up in the air they do have some crashes that are associated with them but that's also probably due to the fact that there's more of them up in the air the company that makes them boeing did issue a statement in response to this tragedy and cazan it's said that it's actually going to be sending a technical team of advisers to russia to help with the investigation in part on the request of authorities here and certainly an investigation a massive one is going to be an order where you have to keep in mind that in twenty eleven russia and the former soviet republics had combined one of the worst air traffic safety records something that authorities are certainly going to be
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scrambling to fix and get to the bottom of in after all of this tragedy. reporting for us there we know that you're going to be staying across this story thanks for being with us on our team. now we have been getting your thoughts of aviation experts in russia and abroad russian aviation expert. explain to us what could have possibly gone wrong with flight three six three. well first have to know why did the group decide to go. or the because of technical malfunction was because the weather conditions or the something else maybe crew incapacitation well actually the list of possible reasons well how will we have her know for sure why did it have to change. flight path or if it was a technical one of multi-function what kind of camo function was with the mechanical malfunction of. something happened to the living engine agreed though
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the aircraft and providing that they know the most everyone knew exercise. all the model for the automatic landing that maybe a little more than the litigation equipment didn't lead to the crash. now let's go over what we know about this tragic plane crash in central russia a boeing seven thirty seven jet traveling from moscow to cruise on apparently lost altitude and exploded during its second landing attempt none of the fifty people on board survived two children and of the elder son of tatarstan president were among those killed ten of the victims have been identified and monday will be a day of mourning in. the airport will remain closed until noon we don't know yet exactly what caused the crash but investigators are now saying that poor fuel quality could have been responsible there also considering the possibilities of pilot error and inclement weather the boeing corporation has offered to help in the investigation while rescuers haven't found the plane's flight recorders yet the
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boeing seven thirty seven five hundred series aircraft had been in use for twenty three years and air is the eighth airline to fly that specific plane since it went into service. now at this stage of variety of factors that could have been responsible for sunday's crash let's look at what the key causes of air tragedies have been over the years now today's aircraft are incredibly sophisticated machines but very sensitive as well to how they are being flown more than half of air crashes are caused by errors made by the flight crew various to technical problems with the aircraft are responsible for just under a quarter of problems leading to accidents now of course bad weather conditions can play their part and they're behind twelve percent you can see that in the little sliver of yellow there finally nine percent the sliver in green of all air accidents are due to terrorist attacks or hijackings those figures are from plane crash info dot com. now an analysis of the all important flight voice and data
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recorders should provide vital information as to what happened during the flight david lear mount the operations and safety editor of flight global magazine says that authorities will get clues to the reasons of the accident when the two black boxes are found two boxes one of them records all of the communications on the flight deck that's what the pilots say to each other what the pilots say on the radio all the incoming voice messages from air traffic control and also you can even hear things like the engine noise if there was an explosion on board you would hear that then the other box is i suppose you could say the main one but they're both very important in their own way is the flight data recorder which records basically the health of the airplane it records what the engines are doing it records the profile of the aircraft speed its assets shoot it records all sorts of paramus says the airlines you know what the n.r.a.
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is doing from minute to minute and there will be at least half an hour of recording of this and it may be more before the time that the action accident actually happened so the author r.c.s. will have a great deal of information to work with. technology innovation all the developments from around russia. the future covered. wealthy british style.
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markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports. dramas that challenge be ignored. stories others refuse to notice. the faces changing the world lights never. sold picture of today's leaves. on demand from around the globe. local. t.v. . welcome back you're watching our t.v. recapping the week's top stories with our weekly program now this week's interlude
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between the two rounds of crucial talks over iran's nuclear program has sent some mixed signals on the one hand of the u.n. watchdog declared that atomic projects have been virtually frozen since president rouhani came to power and on the other hand u.s. lawmakers are insisting even more sanctions are placed on iran a move that threatens to derail the deal and the white house is urging congress to give diplomacy a chance but the powerful israeli lobby is insisting on tougher penalties the previous round of negotiations failed to produce any results reportedly due to france's surprise opposition. in israel now he has already assured me that paris will be tough and will not ease pressure on iran during next week's nuclear talks cited hussein. an iranian policy maker who used to be on iran's nuclear diplomacy team in negotiations with the i.a.e.a. says that france's behavior shows double standards. france has
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a block to peace. because of israeli claims i think this is a historic mistake france is making the i. five thousand. inspection. program and frequently has announced the reason no evidence of diversion toward the end is asian this is clear but i really. of france is a nuclear bomb because france has a strategy to relations with israel is not a member of n.p.t. and possess a bold four hundred nuclear bombs therefore france should not be concerned about nuclear bomb france help israel to master nuclear bomb france head to nuclear bomb therefore france has a very very bad record. now should the talks result in something israel isn't happy
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with it is reportedly ready to join forces with a former sworn enemy for a possible strike on iran britain's sunday times newspaper newspaper suggest saudi arabia is working closely with israel's mossad on a military campaign if he runs a nuclear program isn't curbed by an agreement in geneva under the reported plan saudi arabia is understood to be allowing israel use of its airspace it would also assist israel in deploying combat drones helicopters and tanker planes the saudis are furious and are willing to give israel all of the help that it needs that's what an anonymous source allegedly told the newspaper the sunni muslim gulf kingdom is alarmed that shiite dominated iran could get a nuclear weapon and concern shared by israel iranian political analyst side mohammad marandi thinks that if the saudi plan plays out there would be no winners . well we don't know if these reports are true but the saudis and the israelis are moving closer and closer to one another however it's highly unlikely that the
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saudis or the israelis would really want to attack iran or that they. would be losing as they would be seen. and obviously the iranians would retaliate the soviets with you know very vulnerable it would create an economic catastrophe for the world and that would mobilize the whole middle east especially people on the streets in support of iran they would isolate israel after all the americans with all their firepower. failed in their attempt to bring about an attack on syria because world public opinion and american public opinion simply would not accept it . now to syria it could be free of most of its chemical arsenal by the end of the year if another country agrees to take it on the ambitious deadline was set by the international chemical watchdog as part of a road map which also says all toxic stockpiles must be destroyed by the end of
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june but the biggest problem now is the lack of volunteers to take on the delicate task of eliminating more than a thousand tons of highly poisonous materials norway was the first to give a firm and no its refusal was mirrored by albania which saw a series of protests against the country being the destruction site for syria's chemical arsenal political analyst chris bambery says it should be europe's wealthy nations who step in to implement the ambitious elimination plan. my understanding is that they will go to france and i think it's really the onus is on britain or france in terms of the western european powers to deal with this because as i say they do have chemical weapons although we don't advertise the fact that britain and france have stockpiles of chemical weapons they do have the ability to do that the french and the british have the facilities would you can dismantle these things safely they have the expertise should. that's the better option syria has abided by this deal the west should really put its money where its mouth is he signed up to
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this deal it's sending ships in this case norwegian ships to deal with this but the norwegians claiming they don't have the expertise to dismantle it you can see chemical weapons say they will not take them in and i think it kinds of smacks i resent over the fact that really in the end this deal has come or. brokered a deal assad signed and no syria has abided by the agreements over it and i can't hear but feel there's a sort of kind of resentment in european capitals that actually the deal has worked . the destruction of chemical weapons is not the only problem in syria now the brutal conflict between a government forces and rebels continues to claim thousands of lives on sunday thirty one troops including four generals were killed by a bomb attack on a syrian government building near damascus the explosives are thought to have been placed in the basement meaning opposition fighters were able to breach security to get into the building the e.u. is being dragged deeper into deeper into the conflict intelligence chiefs believe
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more than a thousand young european muslims have joined the is the best and are now fighting in syria it's thought that they're being recruited through social media the counterterrorism coordinator says the jihadists agenda goes further than toppling assad it is also a real threat to europe. we are in the process of trying to understand better the reason why so many europeans are going to syria where we start being. swayed and that's what we understand many of the mean the joining groups really a few too are. in groups which not only wants to work through a sad but of the global jihad really wreak in the project sophisticated and therefore. i think would see that in the future but many of them will get back in europe much more radical to me inspired. recruit other meat for
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even directed want to attack in europe on to some other news making headlines around the world for you this hour a fast moving storm system is battering ten middle western states in the united states multiple tornadoes tore across the nation and are threatening the homes of more than fifty million americans at least two people have been reported dead in the state of illinois the storm has caused extensive damage with buildings reduced to rubble and cars turned upside down a tornado was spotted some two hundred kilometers southwest of chicago the extreme weather has prompted authorities to halt air traffic as well. tens of thousands of greeks have marched through the nation's two largest cities athens and thessaloniki the demonstrations marked the fortieth anniversary of a bloody student uprising against the country's former military dictatorship at least fifteen people were killed in one nine hundred seventy three wanted tank
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stormed through a university's gate to suppress the revolve more than six thousand police were deployed along the protest route though no incidents have been reported. a minor accident has left at least two people dead and another twenty injured in the u.s. state of colorado two more workers remain trapped inside mergence the workers are trying to reach them but it's not immediately clear what happened at the mine and there have been reports of an explosion. underground adoption market has been exposed in the u.s. it's called a private re home in and allows parents to get rid of their unwanted adopted kids by advertising online no background checks or government scrutiny means children could end up with families who would never be legally allowed to adopt or could even be taken in by criminals are two very important details. animal owners may be familiar with the term private re homey typically it refers to those seeking to
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give their pet away but today the practice is reportedly being used by parents looking to give away the child they adopted from overseas and no longer wants an investigation conducted by reuters found that this type of child trafficking is happening largely in cyberspace where parents allegedly advertise their on wanted children through yahoo and facebook groups the lawless atmosphere allows internationally adopted orphans to be passed on to strangers without government scrutiny or even a paper trail as a result many of these children can end up in the custody of criminals sex offenders or abusive adults that would have never been allowed to legally adopt many of the children advertised online for private re homing range between the ages of six to fourteen and had been adopted from abroad including from countries such as russia china ethiopia and ukraine poses huge risks right because some of the
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families into which these children who are probably perfectly good in the children are doing better perhaps and some of them are not as of this year u.s. citizens are banned from adopting russian orphans since one thousand nine hundred ninety one thousand russian children have reportedly died at the hands of their american adoptive parents reporting from new york marine upper nile r.t. what happens to adopted children when their foster families are preparing to have their own children or to spoke to one young man who found himself advertised online and then passed on to a new family after his parents decided he was not want it anymore. dimitris stewart was five years old when he and his brother were adopted from an orphanage in a small town near moscow it would be a rocky road living with his adoptive american parents didn't really feel like. i was there when he was a young teenager after years of strained relations and after his parents had
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biological children of their own the stewarts decided it was time to find him a new home and that's when they turned to the internet is that i go underground groups where people want to. get their i described of a dog shins and stuff like that that's how dimitris parents found nicole isa in eastern advertiser self as an aspiring mother that ran a home school to meet you found out that this was far from the truth this is a little tiny basically good. him it was clear that his new home was no home school there was any on the desk there had to do homework he didn't even make you go to school yeah he gave me the option to go to school and then we had a biological kid that was taken away from them from the state so they want a law to have any more kids and that's why they're doing this underground underground thing nicole had been married to a man who was a pedophile and that she could not get
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a homestudy due to their finances these days private adoptions are far more common it's unclear how many of them were facilitated on the internet where it's harder to regulate the transactions between family it's after the traumatizing ordeal dimitri moved to this group home outside atlanta he feels safe with his new guardians in this quaint home in a nice suburban neighborhood you just never know who's going to. be out there looking for kids and there's sick people out there everywhere and marietta ga least of all our. mowbray notched up a grim milestone this week former american military top brass demanded its closure the notorious prison has been in operation for twelve years now over three dozen retired generals and admirals have written to the senator to close what they call a symbol of torture a promise president obama has failed to fulfill so far parties and associates are going to reports from inside the guantanamo bay detention center.
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when it comes to this prison the numbers speak for themselves since being set up after the attacks of nine eleven a total of seven hundred seventy nine detainee's have been held at guantanamo today one hundred sixty four people remain over half of them have been long cleared for release but remain locked up a total of six people is currently under trial alleged prisoners of war brought here since two thousand and two removed from the battlefield of america's ever expanding war on terror it's both the policy of the u.s. not to hold anyone longer than necessary but we also know that whenever we release someone we assume a recurrence over a period of more than a decade the majority of detainees held here have been set free and if the men of guantanamo are really these superhuman monsters you know the worst of the worst are quote dick cheney. they would have been released. most of those still kept locked
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up have not been charged and are being held indefinitely what sort of a black hole of the system where the president of the united states simply refuses to say the innocent but u.s. officials say the law of war brings behind this barbed wire the idea that in a war when you capture folks you as the capturing authority are permitted to hold people during the duration of hostilities. when hostilities and or if there's no longer any purpose legitimate purpose to to hold them then they must be released a tiny problem the war on terror has no geographic borders with men once held here repeat treated to a wide array of countries. who are only specific to guantanamo you call even you couldn't even go on top of the case on the u.s. mainland because it would be unconstitutional and illegal the war on terror also has no end in sight and national security is
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a popular excuse to simply ignore the law. over the years countless detainee claims of mistreatment and abuse dozens of suicide attempts mass hunger strikes lost patience and hope just this year the majority of the prison population refused to eat for six months street only to be force fed washington has appointed a new envoy to close a camp that is a dark spot on america's image this comes after a massive hunger strike that returned the world's attention to the place that some have dubbed the gulag of our times even if close to. being a state in u.s. history forever it's very easy to end one ton of. you release the men that you're not prosecuting right and as you said only six men are being prosecuted right now the military prosecutor has made clear that he intends to prosecute a few more but he's also made clear that it won't be more than a few more barack obama promised to close the notorious facility on day one of his
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presidency he's now in his second term it's only a president who can do it and the idea that it's you know that it's congress's fault is just not correct it is the president the top holding these men in detention some president has to come in and this. it's hard to tell right now exactly how long we'll be down here doing this mission. and stacy churkin at artsy guantanamo bay cuba. well coming up after the break we take a closer look at america's gun market and how it's growing for what some say are the wrong reasons stay with us you're watching r.t. .
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there is now an all new form of humanitarian aid for the twenty first century created by members of the occupy movement this is nothing to do with hunger or homelessness but a different key problem in the so-called first world debt the rolling jubilee project has already bought around fifteen million dollars in personal debt for americans around the country most of the financial obligations that they bought were for medical bills and now the people who had to pay these bills are free from their burdens the group claims that the secondary debt market is very cheap and that they are able to buy the nearly fifteen million dollars in debt for only four hundred thousand dollars the secondary market exists because banks try to sell consistently unpaid debt to third parties for less than a nickel on the dollar right now i would be begging the rolling jubilee project to get rid of my college loans but alas this is always purchased anonymously so it's all pure luck who gets their debt purchased the important thing about this project
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is that they're actually doing something against the evil system instead of just blogging about it and although fifteen million dollars is a time a need to drop in the debt bucket it may have really saved the financial lives of many americans but that's just my opinion. it's funny there are approximately over two hundred eighty million licensed firearms in the united states of america female owner seemed to be more and more common today one in five americans.


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